National Environment Management Council (NEMC) - is a government body in Tanzania established to undertake environmental enforcement, compliance, review and monitor environmental impact statements, research and awareness raising.
Projects Management System (PMS) - is the environmental impact assessment and environmental audit management system.
The system supports two user account types, developers and environmental experts.
Developer - means a person who is developing a project to which an environmental impact assessment is required by the Act.
The developer account was created based on section 81 (1) and Third schedule of the Environmental Management Act (EMA), 2004 read together with the Environmental Management (Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2005 and its Amendment of 2018
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button.Environmental experts - means an individual person or firm of consultants duly certified and registered under the Environmental (Registration of Environmental Experts) Regulations, 2005 to conduct environmental impact assessment study or environmental audit.
The expert account was created based on section 83 of the Environmental Management Act (EMA), 2004 read together with the Environmental Management (Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2005 and its Amendment of 2018) and the Environmental Management (Registration and Practice of Environmental Experts) Regulations, 2021
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